
Successful russian doctor in a Israel, worked in the department of anesthesiology, resuscitation and pain treatment, the multidisciplinary medical complex Moshe Ihilov-Soraski Medical Center, the official doctor of international and domestic MMA tournaments in Israel, and grappling tournaments in Israel.

Moshe Ihilov-Soraski Medical Center Moshe Ihilov-Soraski Medical Center

He started as a family medicine doctor at the Clalit Clinic. At the present time he continues private practice as a personal family doctor.

The official doctor of the Bellator organization.

Bellator organization Bellator organization

Dr. B. Bril received his higher profile education at the State Medical Academy in Krasnoyarsk (Russia). He studied in 1995-2001. Further, after repatriation to Israel, the doctor continued his education and practice.

Boris Bril defended and confirmed the license for the right to practice medicine in Israel with honors. He took emergency courses ACLS on the basis of the medical center named after H. Shiba – Tel Ha Shomer.

H. Shiba - Tel Ha Shomer. H. Shiba - Tel Ha Shomer.

Boris Brill began to accumulate the experience of a practicing specialist while still studying at the Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy. He worked in the emergency surgical unit. After graduation, the doctor continued to practice in this structure until repatriation to Israel.

For some time, Dr. Bril worked at the Shaare Zedek clinic in Jerusalem.

In this medical institution, the doctor underwent an internship during the year of the department of therapy, X-ray, surgery and pediatrics, as it should be in the system of Israeli medicine.

Shaare Zedek clinic in Jerusalem Shaare Zedek clinic in Jerusalem

He also practiced in the clinic of the Clalit Health Insurance Fund as a responsible doctor in emergency care and family medicine in Jerusalem (Abu Ghosh).

The invaluable experience in providing emergency medical care was facilitated by the work of Boris Bril at Femi Premium. There he served as an expert consultant and doctor of the ambulance unit. He was directly involved in the delivery of patients from around the world to Israel. As well as emergency care for patients in Israel.

Dr. Boris Bril is currently working in Ramat Aviv Medical Center.

Ramat Aviv Medical Center Ramat Aviv Medical Center